Donate Now
Donations directly fund supplies for programs,
work-based training and more. Your generosity
makes these things possible!
Your charitable gift may be tax deductible,
we are a certified 501(c)(3) and our number is: 46-0834143
If you would prefer to mail a check to the school, you can
do so by mailing to the below attention and address:
Rising Stars Foundation
23855 Lawrence
Center Line, MI 48015
We are in constant need of school supplies here at Rising Stars Academy.
In lieu of a monetary donation, we’ve created a “Wish List” of supplies needed on a continual basis here
“Rising Stars Academy is a wonderful place where some of our most vulnerable and sometimes forgotten… get to realize their wonderful talents and human dignity”
Dan Weingart, Weingartz Family Foundation
“We have been very impressed with the creative and thoughtful work being done at Rising Stars Academy. In addition to teaching real life lessons and employable skills, the academy gives its students the confidence and self-worth that inspires and enables them to grow personally in preparation for what is often their first professional experience. Morley is proud to support Rising Stars Academy as it continues to flourish under the very capable watch of Chef Mark Prentiss.”
Paul W. Furlo, President & CEO, Morley
“Rising Stars is the perfect example of what happens when caring and hardworking people find a need and fill it. Mark and Deb have worked tirelessly to make Rising Stars such a great place. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to work with them and hope to for some time.”
Ryan Prentiss, Chef de Cuisine, Townhouse Birmingham