Ring of Honor
Donations are vital to the survival of Rising Stars Academy. Donations directly fund supplies for programs, work-based training and more. Your generosity makes these things possible!
Your charitable gift may be tax deductible,
we are a certified 501(c)(3) and our number is: 46-0834143
Our Mission Statement
To be a place for intellectually and developmentally disabled adults to belong, and develop the necessary skills to participate at their full potential within the community.
Contact Us
(586) 806-6455
Deb Prentiss, dprentiss@rsaonline.org
Mark Prentiss, mprentiss@rsaonline.org
501(c)(3) Organization
Rising Stars Academy Wish List
Rising Stars Academy now has a wish list for supplies through Amazon.
To access, please visit the following link: Amazon Wish List
Thank you.