School Board
School Board Details
Meeting Minutes
02-13-2025 BOE Meeting Minutes
01-09-2025 BOE Meeting Minutes
12-12-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
11-14-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
09-12-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
06-27-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
05-23-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
04-18-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
02-15-2024 BOE Meeting Minutes
01-28-2024 BOE Meeting MInutes
12-21-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
11-16-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
10-19-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
09-21-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
06-15-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
05-18-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
4-20-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
3-16-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
2-16-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
1-19-2023 BOE Meeting Minutes
12-15-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
11-17-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
10-20-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
09-15-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
8-18-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
7-21-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
6-16-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
5-12-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
4-21-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
3-17-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
2-21-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
1-20-2022 BOE Meeting Minutes
12-16-2021 BOE Meeting Minutes
11-18-2021 BOE Meeting Minutes
9-16-2021 BOE Meeting Minutes
8-19-2021 BOE Meeting Minutes
7-15-2021 BOE Meeting Minutes
Meeting Agenda
03-13-2025 BOE Agenda Rev
03-13-2025 BOE Agenda
02-13-2025 BOE Agenda Rev
02-13-2025 BOE Agenda
01-09-2025 BOE Agenda
12-12-2024 BOE Agenda Rev
12-12-2024 BOE Agenda
11-14-2024 BOE Agenda Rev
11-14-2024 BOE Agenda
09-12-2024 BOE Agenda
06-27-2024 BOE Agenda
05-23-2024 BOE Agenda
03-21-2024 BOE Agenda
02-15-2024 BOE Agenda
01-18-2024 BOE Agenda
12-21-2023 BOE Agenda
11-16-2023 BOE Agenda-Rev
11-16-2023 BOE Agenda
10-19-2023 BOE Agenda
09-21-2023 BOE Agenda
07-20-2023 BOE Agenda
06-15-2023 BOE Agenda
5-18-2023 BOE Agenda
4-20-2023 BOE Agenda
3-16-2023 BOE Agenda
2-16-2023 BOE Agenda
1-19-2023 BOE Agenda
12-15-2022 BOE Agenda
11-17-2022 BOE Agenda
10-20-2022 BOE Agenda
09-15-2022 BOE Agenda
8-18-2022 BOE Agenda
7-21-2022 BOE Agenda
6-16-2022 BOE Agenda
5-12-2022 BOE Agenda
4-21-2022 BOE Agenda
3-17-2022 BOE Agenda
2-21-2022 BOE Agenda
1-20-2022 BOE Agenda
12-16-2021 BOE Agenda
11-18-2021 BOE Agenda
9-16-2021 BOE Agenda
8-19-2021 BOE Agenda
FS OMA Posting Requirements
OMA Handbook
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2025
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2024
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2023
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2022
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2021
Rising Stars Academy Board Policy 2020
Strategic Planning Document
School Board Schedule of Meetings 2024
July 2024 - No Meeting
August 2024 - No Meeting
09-12-2024 Business
10-10-2024 Business CANCELLED
11-14-2024 Business
12-12-2024 Business
01-09-2025 Business
02-13-2025 Business
03-13-2025 Business
04-10-2025 Business
05-08-2025 Business
06-12-2025 6 PM Budget Hearing
06-12-2025 6:30 PM Business
**Notates a rescheduled meeting
PDF Schedule Updated October 2024
PDF Schedule
All meetings are scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in Room134 at Rising Stars Academy, 23855 Lawrence St, Center Line, MI 48015 ‐ 586‐806‐6455.
Please enter through the Four Circles Store & Café entrance located in/off of the parking lot. Thank you.
Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodate for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in this meeting. The official minutes of the Board of Education meetings are stored and available for inspection at the Office of the Superintendent.
Rising Stars Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, or other protected classes in its programs, services, activities, or employment. Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to the Superintendent of Rising Stars Academy, 23855 Lawrence St, Center Line, MI 48015 or phone 586.806.6455.
Published July 2, 2024
Biographies on School Board
Rob Spada - President
Rob has a lifelong career of fighting for justice and civil rights.He is strong supporter of Rising Stars Academy’s dedication to helping intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals feel that they belong and to help them develop the necessary skills to participate at their potential within their community. He is currently employed as a staff attorney for the State of Michigan, Department of Health and Human Services, Victim Services Division. He ensures that victims of crime are fairly represented and served by programs available to respond to their mental, physical, financial, and emotional needs.
Formerly, he worked for the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office for over 30 years and served as Chief of the Special Victims Unit. The Special Victims Unit (SVU) handles the specialized prosecution of cases involving some of society’s most vulnerable and discriminated against victims. He has worked with victims of crime and defendants that have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and with the court system to address their needs.
Annette Duda - Vice President
My name is Annette Duda and my husband Chris and I have 2 adult sons, one affected by Autism. My son attended Rising Stars Academy for several years and is now in the Home Hub Program. Having a child with special needs makes you a stronger person and a constant advocate and I have been involved in the community for many years. We believe highly in the RSA School and Home Hub Program and are very proud to be a part of it. I am also the current President of Macomb Autism Connect, founded in 2018 to support and provide social activities for families and to keep them connected.
Charisse Cossu-Kowalski - Secretary
My name is Charisse Cossu-Kowalski and my husband and I have four children. Our oldest two were born in Russia and both are affected by pre-natal exposure to alcohol. Since 2002 I have been actively involved in committees that address either fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or special education needs. Though important for all children, it is especially important for children who have special needs to have an educational program that is individualized and teaches whole life skills. Rising Stars Academy is a unique and appealing program because it tailors its programming to meet the needs of the whole person and helps students to develop a circle of support that may last a lifetime.
Jennifer Faunce - Trustee
Jennifer Faunce is the mother of two children. Her oldest has Down syndrome and attends Rising Stars Academy (RSA). Her daughter attends college in Chicago and is pursuing a Fine Arts Degree in Musical Theater. Jennifer is a Macomb County Circuit Court Judge and has held that position since 2013. Prior to that she sat in the 37th District Court for ten years. During those terms she also ran a Drug Court for ten years to help participants get their lives back on the right track. Jennifer has also served two terms as State Representative in the Michigan Legislature and was an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office for seven years.
Jennifer believes that every person should have the opportunity to live their best life. The best chance anyone has to do that is to be given the tools to better themselves. RSA gives young adults educational tools and life experiences to go out and live life in the most productive way possible. Jennifer is proud to sit on the RSA Board to assist with the Academy's mission, setting goals and monitoring the progress of the students and RSA.
Patrick Mulrenin - Trustee
Patrick Mulrenin and his wife Anne are parents of 2 boys. Their youngest son is affected by Autism and attends the Home Hub program. Pat has been actively involved in the Autism community in both Macomb and Oakland counties. He has served on the Board for the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society and has been a supporter of the Rising Star Academy for many years. Pat’s background is in Accounting and is an entrepreneur who recently retired as owner of Fieldstone Winery in Rochester, Michigan.